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Overview of the course, getting grounded with the material and course process; what is innovation?



We will talk Tuesday evening, at 5PM West Coast Time via GoTo Meeting. I will explain the course, and we will walk through the content, expectations, opportunities. You will spend the rest of the week reading/viewing to contribute to the conversations in Moodle during Week 2.



Scan the following two Wikipedia entries:


You are looking for trends, and items of interest to you. Note how vast the innovation/creativity arena is. There is literally no area of human activity that is not concerned with it.


An issue of particular importance to us: How can we be innovative in the class on innovation?

Most of the innovative companies I researched had a few things in common: innovation happened face to face, at work, and work days were at least 8-10 hours long. In contrast, all of us in the class are geographically distributed, already have jobs and give this course the little bit of time we have. So, how do we use some of the time-honored techniques of innovation - like brainstorming, real time in groups - in a virtual, asynchronous, part-time, geograpraphically dispersed class? All ideas are welcome.


Moodle Posting for this week

Provide your definition of innovation. Refer to ideas you have gleaned from the wikipedia article and from your own research and ideas. Respond to at 4 or 5 postings by your colleagues.


Also- any ideas about how to be innovative in this class? Let me know.

Week 1 (9/9-15) Overview conversation about the course

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